World Rabies Day 2021

"Rabies is 99.9% fatal after symptoms show, but it is also a 100 % preventable disease"

World Rabies Day is held every year on September 28. This date was chosen as it is the anniversary of the death of Louis Pasteur – the first person to successfully create a vaccine against rabies.

This year’s World Rabies Day theme is: "Rabies: Facts, not Fear”

Facts ➡️ Facts are essential for raising disease awareness, preventing rabies cases, having the animal population vaccinated, and educating people about the dangers of rabies and how to prevent it.

Fear ➡️ The word “fear” has three meanings in this year’s theme.
1) Fear caused by rabies, the fear people experience when encountering rabid animals, and the fear that people live with in communities plagued by rabies.
2) Fear that people may experience when infected with rabies.
3) Fear relates to the fear caused by ‘fake news’ or myths about rabies – making people afraid of vaccination, making people afraid to get their animals sterilized or vaccinated, and making people believe in ineffective treatments for the disease.

Always get your pets vaccinated 🐶🤗✨

#WorldRabiesDay #WorldRabiesDay2021 #FactsnotFear #Vaccinate #Rabies #Pets #Saukyadana #SaukyadanaUnitCCS #PreventRabies #Awareness




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